Before asking for quotes or focusing only on the design and colors of your website, you should have clear objectives. Here are a few things to keep in mind to organize and know what you need to define your website.
Things to keep in mind before starting your web/e-commerce site
Although it may seem very basic, many times we do not focus on what we really want to achieve, we get carried away by the excitement of having an online presence, but we do not conclude the intention. So, you should know:
Who is your web site for?
A website or e-commerce, must be oriented to serve the needs of users, so it is essential to define the audience you are going to target; in order to provide useful information to the interests of that specific audience.
State the objectives from the beginning, making it clear what your pages will contribute. This way, you will know how to target the message, since you have defined a specific audience.
What action or CTA do you want to get from your website?
It is, in theory, the goal you want to achieve. For example, it could be that they subscribe to a newsletter, click on a video, or if your business is focused on selling products, the goal would be to attract customers to put your products in their cart and buy. Whatever the goal is, you must have it clear, in order to guide users to perform a specific action through content and structure. In this way, you will be able to measure the success of your site, if you get users to do what you are really looking for.
Already have a brand or logo?
The website should not only contain relevant information for your audience, but an important factor is your brand identity, and that includes colors, fonts and all the aspects that define it. It will make you stand out, position you in the market. Being clear on this point will make it easier to define the look and feel and style of your site.
Already have social networks?
Social networks are a very powerful communication channel. It is important that you have a presence in these social media, but at the same time that you know in which of them your audience is, in order to connect, create content, interact and help through them to drive traffic to your website. Remember that, in any digital environment where you want to have a presence, it is very important that you manage your brand identity.
If you have more doubts or you feel you are ready to have your web/e-commerce, schedule an appointment and receive personalized advice.